Friday, November 27, 2009


In Taiwan you see a lot of funny clothing. Specifically clothing with hilarious wording on it. Now it's not as bad as China, but it has it's fair share. From hats that say "This is my Luck cap" to "What a fuck" to quite simply "Grope!", you get to see some true gems while you're here. Why, when I first got here I saw a shirt that said "Free hot dog, you just bring the buns." with an arrow pointing down. It also had a cartoon depiction of a hot dog on the shirt (I kid you not). Yesterday, while on a one-day road trip along Taiwan's northern coast I saw a small child wearing a green and white sweater that said: "I dig soccer moms". I am not making that up, despite what some people's reaction when they first hear that.

I think I'm going to try to make mini-posts regarding these eclectic clothing gems, and I will start with what I saw today: One blue and white wind-breaker which on the back read: "America: love it or leave it" and a hat which said "No fat chicks". Solid gold.

If you're looking for a ridiculous movie with lots of blood, a bad plot, and hilariousness all around go see Ninja Assassin. I do have to say however that movie I suppose should get some kudos for using an Asian cast where appropriate. Now I know it could be seen as a stereotype that all Asians do martial arts or some such thing, but at least it's not something like in the "Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise. Meaning the main character in these movies that are about ninjas, samurai, etc. usually ends up being some white dude who comes in and learns the ways of the (insert something Asian) and then kicks ass. Or finds himself, usually both. In this movie the main character is Rain (Korean pop star), and magically he doesn't somehow get put into some sort of side-kick position. Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Will you pick me up some of these quality clothing items?
