Wednesday, December 2, 2009


There is a model getting her picture taken outside almost directly behind me. While this normally wouldn't be a big deal (girls get beauty shots taken here, Taiwan, all the time) she's advertising for something. What would it be? Why a new computer graphics card of course. Nothing sells more than a cute girl holding computer parts in front of a student center.

Another brief snippet of my life here in Taiwan would be the emails I get from my land-lady/student (I teach her English every Wednesday). I get copious amounts of e-mails from her, which can truly be about ANYTHING. For example, in a recent spat of I emails I received emails with such titles as: "Elephant birth ??????" (Mystery solved, it was indeed a video of an elephant birth) and "bicycle gymnasts" to e-mails with links that bring me videos which are entitled "One heck of a dog trainer!". There is a frequent trend of beautiful landscapes put to classical Chinese music, or my personal favorite (although I'm pretty sure the elephant birth video has taken the cake) a email addressing nothing more than before and after pictures of child stars who are now adults. A pressing story. Anything under the sun because really, why not?

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