Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Don't get complacent, purple!"

The overcast skies of the Taiwanese winter have broken. Finally. After what feels like a month straight of drizzling. To celebrate, Taiwan has had two days so far of clear skies and temperatures in the upper-70s. In November. My brain is constantly thinking it's spring. Shorts and a t-shirt on Thanksgiving.

It began yesterday when my friend Megan and I were walking by an elementary school which, according to her, was having it's weekly super long relay race. It seems just about every kid gets on a team and races. Perhaps by grade? Who knows. Unfortunately I didn't have my Flip camera with me so no not-that-interesting-videos for you. My apologies. The sun had just come out that day and so sitting on a bench with the sun shining while watching coaches and little siblings yelling at these kids while they ran seemed like the thing to do. I have to say now that I should go into athletic talent scouting because lets face it, I always picked the winners of the race. While nothing of note really happened there were some gems of enthusiastic exclamations from Megan like that in the title and "Run periwinkle, they're coming!"

I realize I don't post very often, sorry about that. I'd say I'll try to post more but I'm pretty sure I always write that. I'll have a video up from the Taipei LGBT Pride Parade up later, but I'm warning you there's not much to look at. Right now I'm on a week long vacation in between quarters so I'm doing my fair share of sleeping in too much.

In other news, I am not a millionaire. In Taiwan at the top of every receipt there is a lotto number. So every two months they announce winning numbers and you can win up to NT$2,000,000 (~US$62,500). Basically you end up collecting a ton of your receipts (and your friends receipts who don't want to play) and then don't win anything. Although apparently it's not too uncommon to win NT$200 or NT$1000, which isn't shabby.

This is a good enough update for now, it's too nice out to sit here on the internet. Next time I'll get the pride parade video up and talk about how I went paintballing.

1 comment:

  1. Outside of some cross dressing and some guys in skimpy bathing suits, that's about it. According to a few of the people I was with it was the tamest LGBT pride parade they'd ever seen.
