Saturday, August 22, 2009

Getting there

I whipped up a video tonight, figured it was about time. I'll try to get another one out tomorrow.

I also put some more pictures up on picasa. Nothing really that new, just another memorial and a lizard.

To briefly get you up to speed, I've been spending my time: seeing the sights, getting acquainted with Taipei's subway system & the area around NTU, apartment hunting, and today got a cell phone set up. I register for classes on Monday. I'd also like to specially thank Tracy and Esther because they've been great helping me find apartments/look at them, and helping me get my phone today. More tomorrow (hopefully)


  1. 1. I agree with Oanh. That is some yellow piss.

    2. This video is awesome.

    3. What program do you use? I've been trying to mix up some videos from Hawaii.

    4. Very exciting stuff.

  2. Very cool! Shanghai/Taiwan looks so cool, and that choo choo looks friggin sweet!!!


  3. Holy hell that train is going fast! Perfect music choice. I loved the smile on your face as you arrived.
