Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Highest Toilet in All the Land

Today I applied for my Taiwan visa. Easy and painless, and surprisingly cheap. Apparently if you're a Taiwan Scholarship awardee you don't have to pay the visa registration fee, thus saving me ~$130.

The view from the Taiwan consulate. Remind me to work in a skyscraper in Chicago.

Afterward Kristina, Chris and I made our way (eventually) to the Sears Tower. Well, as of yesterday the Sears Tower is now the "Willis Tower", or as our mayor hilariously called it "Big Willy".

I can now officially declare two things:
1.) I am still scared of heights
2.) I have urinated in the highest bathroom in the Western hemisphere, or if your prefer the 2nd highest bathroom in THE WORLD.

Minus the 2 1/2 hr wait in the damned unending lines to the observation deck, it was otherwise a good time. If you did not know already the observation deck in the Sears tower added 4 clear cubes that stick roughly 4 ft out from the building allowing you to see in all directions, including the 1,353 ft down (103 floors). Needless to say, I could barely get myself to step out onto the ledge. The look down is a doozy. The night was topped off with burritos and a bonfire. It was a good day. Enjoy the photos:

EDIT: Proof that I actually did go on the ledge, at least for a short while.

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