Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bring on the Budget

Since I never found a summer job, I'll be heading to Taiwan on a very meager safety net. Yes, I will be getting money from the Taiwan scholarship, but after figuring out expenses it seems I'll be budgeting a fair amount when it comes to food and living expenses.

Apparently language programs are the real money makers of Taiwanese universities because the masters is about US$250 cheaper than the language program. Once you get past the first year, though, Taiwan seems to be more forgiving. In addition to getting NT$5,000 more a month during the masters than with the language program, after the first year I can apply for a work visa and work ~16 hours a week. Maybe then I'll be able to save up some money to do more traveling than just the return trip to the U.S. of A. Or maybe more than just the one trip back home.

Before all that though I'll have to find an apartment in a country and city I've never been to, in a language I can just barely get by in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get sick or hurt, especially food poisoning.

Here's to adventure and heading into the more or less unknown.

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